With this command you can create script files to automate commands or command sequences in a number of files. For example, you can print out or clean up all the files in a folder or generate a drawing list.
If you wish to use the batch plotting function, you must first configure the plot script files. You will find further information on this in the Chapter Plotter configuration.
If you wish to execute commands or command sequences, you must first define the operating steps in a file as Lisp or script instructions. You can find script files for immediate use in the folder \ATHENA\SAMPLE\JOB_SCR.
Dialog box Create (plot) script files
Dialog box section File selection
In the field Drawings to be executed all files selected for batch processing are listed. When you click the button Wildcard ..., a dialog box opens in which you can define files using the place holders (* or ?). With the button Files ... you can select one or more (with held down Ctrl or Shift key) files in a dialog box. With the Remove button you can delete the marked files from the list Drawings to be executed. If you have not marked any file, this button is masked out.
Dialog box section Start drawing
Activate the tick box Refresh caption if the current date is to be written to the caption. In this respect certain conditions are required; you can obtain further information in the section Insert drawing frame.
Dialog box section Quit drawing
Activate the tick box when you want to save the drawing after the batch processing.
Dialog box section Execute
When you activate Start immediately, the script is started immediately after terminating the dialog box with OK.
Dialog box section Batch file
Here you can enter the file name for the script file which links the operating instructions to the executing files. The script file is saved in the current folder. If you want to change the saving location, you must click the button File .... A standard dialog box is opened where you can change the saving location.
Dialog box section Script
Activate the tick box when you want to link a script to the executing files. Click the button File to select the script file with the operating instructions.
Dialog box section Lisp
Activate the tick box when you want to link a Lisp file to the executing files. Click the button File to select the Lisp file with the operating instructions.
Dialog box section Plan list
Activate the tick box when you want to generate a plan list of the executing files. Click the button File to specify the saving location and file name for the list. Click Attributes ... to define which plan details are to appear in the list. To do this the Dialog box Read out caption is started. You will find further information in the Chapter Read out caption.
Dialog box section Plot
Activate the tick box to plot the drawings to be executed. In the section Plotter you define the section to be printed (model or current layout). Furthermore, you can choose an output device from the list. In the section Plot scale you can specify a plotting scale with the option Scale. With the option Fit the plotting scale is adapted to the current page size. With the option From drawing frame the plotting scale is read from the scaling of the drawing frame. We recommend the option From drawing frame for large-format plotting scripts if the model space is to be plotted.
To be able to use this option, the drawing frame must fulfill certain requirements. You will find further information in the Chapter Insert drawing frame.
Click OK to create the script file. Click Cancel to discard the settings and close the dialog box.
Use the AutoCAD command _script to start a script. You will find further information about scripts in the AutoCAD documentation.