Commands and functions > Block > Block manager
Block manager
Tab ATHENA > Group Extras > Block manager
ATHENA > Block > Block manager
ATH Block > Block manager
Command input:
With this routine you can manage drawing files in block libraries. The drawings can be saved in various folders and are saved in a data base file.
The data base file in which the library/block definitions are saved is called blocklib.dat and is located in the directory ATHENA 2018\DATA\.
You can enter a comment for each block. Furthermore, the block manager offers you a preview and a Find function according to block names and comments.
Dialog box Block Manager
When you select a library from the library list, all drawing files included in the library content are displayed. On the right side of the dialog box you can see a preview of them. A maximum of six previews can be displayed simultaneously. If your library contains more than six blocks, you can see the next or previous six blocks as a preview using the buttons Previous and Next.
You can mark a drawing file by marking the name in the list or clicking the preview. The path of the marked drawing file is displayed under the button Search.
Click the Insert button to insert the marked drawing file as a block into the current drawing. To release the block on insertion, the Explode tick box must be activated.
Click the XRef button to insert the marked drawing file as an external reference in the current drawing.
Click the Open button to open the marked drawing file.
Dialog box Search
Click the Search button to search for files in all libraries. In addition, you must specify a search term in the Search text dialog box. Also, you must define whether the search is to occur in files or comment fields. Click OK to start the search. If the search is successful, ATHENA creates a library with the name *Search result*, containing the found drawings. This library is overwritten with each search process.
Dialog box Block Manager
To create a new library, enter the name in the input field and click the New library button.
To rename a library, select one from the list and click the Rename library button.
To delete a library, select one from the list and click the Delete library button.
To add a block to a library, select a library from the list and click the Add block button. Now you can select a drawing file with the standard dialog box for file selection. All blocks contained in the library are displayed to the right under Blocks. You can click a block name with the mouse to view a preview to the left.
To add a comment text, mark the required block name with the mouse and write the text in the Comment input line.
Click OK to save the changes and to return to the main dialog box.