Commands and functions > Apply > Assign bar assemblies
Assign bar assemblies
Tab ATHENA Model > Group Apply > Assign bar assemblies
Modeling > Apply > Assign bar assemblies
ATH Apply > Assign bar assemblies
Command input:
ath_c3d attach
Assigns two separate bar assemblies (e.g. carrier profile and glazing) to ATHENA axes (null bars). The bar assemblies can be aligned differently.
Dialog box Assign bar assemblies
Dialog box section Main profile
Determines the carrier profile of the construction.
Dialog box section Alignment
From main axis
Accepts the angle of the principal axis for the main profile.
Aligns the main profile vertically.
Aligns the main profile horizontally.
Dialog box section Glazing
Determines the glazing of the construction.
Dialog box section Alignment
From main axis
Accepts the angle of the principal axis for the glazing.
Aligns the glazing vertically.
Aligns the glazing horizontally.
Dialog box section Dihedral angle
From main axis
Accepts the dihedral angle of the principal axis.
Uses the defined angle of the assembly.
With bar assemblies without variable dihedral angles these options have no effect.
When you terminate the dialog box, the following appears:
Input request 
Select bar or [?]:
Select a null bar to attach the profile combination. For assemblies with variants the Dialog box Parameters for bar assembly follows, where you can set the desired bar parameters.
This input request is repeated until you press the Enter key to terminate it.