Tab ATHENA Model > Group Modify > Slice several profiles
Modeling > Apply > Slice several profiles
ATH Apply > Slice several profiles
Command input:
Slices several bars on one plane which is defined by specifying three points. The plane is generated as an object in space. On the slice plane the shorter ends of the bars are always cut off.
Displacement or rotation of the plane or the sliced objects directly affects the cutting. If you delete the plane, the bars lose the cutting.
When you execute the command, the following appears:
Input request
Specify first point for plane or [?]:
Determine the first point in the plane on which you would like to slice the bar.
Choose the option Undo to repeat the previous input request.
Specify the second point of slice plane or [Undo/?]:
Determine the second point in the plane on which you would like to slice the bar.
Specify the third point of slice plane or [Undo/View/?]:
Determine the third point in the plane on which you would like to slice the bar. With this third point the cutting plane is defined. ATHENA now starts the Dialog box Cutting.
Select the View option when the slice plane is to be at right angles to the current view.
With the option ? you call the help.
Select objects:
Select the bars which are to be sliced.
This input request is repeated until you conclude the object selection by pressing the Enter key. Then the Dialog box Cutting is shown:
Dialog box Cutting
Component Select the component parts of the bar which ATHENA is to slice. You can select several component parts by pressing the CTRL or Shift key (Windows standard).
End of program
If you terminate the dialog box with OK, the selected bars are sliced and a slice plane is generated, the size of which corresponds to the enclosing rectangle of the selected bar cross-sections. Cancel closes the dialog box without any further action taking place.