Commands and functions > Drawing > Facade element sub-dialog boxes > Dimension settings
Dimension settings
In this dialog box you can define additional dimension settings for the facade element.
Dialog box Dimension Controls
Dialog box section Page
Right, Left, Top, Bottom
Controls on which side the dimension chain is produced.
Right, Left is used for vertical dimension chains (transom dimensions) and Top, Bottom for horizontal dimension chains (mullion dimensions).
Text location
Specifies the position of the optionally defined addition text.
You can position this text before the dimension figure (prefix), after the dimension figure (suffix) and below the dimension figure.
Dialog box section First dimension distance
Right, Left, Top, Bottom
Defines the baseline distance of the first dimension chain to the facade element.
In the input field for the relevant side specify the desired factor to change the distance. The default factor (1.0) causes the baseline distance of the first dimension chain to the facade element to be equal to the baseline distance of the dimension chains one to another.
You can set the dimension distance in the Dialog box ATHENA options.
The first dimension distance is multiplied by the dimension distance set in the ATHENA options:
Dimension distance from ATHENA options = factor*dimscale*(dimgap*2+dimtxt)
First dimension distance = factor*dimension distance from ATHENA options
The actual distance is shown in the Actual column.