Commands and functions > Modify > Hide objects
Hide objects
Tab ATHENA > Group Modify > Hide objects
ATHENA Modify > Hide objects
ATH Modify and ATHENA Modify
Command input:
With this command you can cover ATHENA objects with other ATHENA objects. This enables you to, for example, show screwed joints better.
Screwed joint visible and hidden.
Input request 
Select objects which are to cover other objects.
Select objects:
Select the objects which are to cover other objects.
x object(s) found
The number of the selected objects is shown. This input request is repeated. Press the Enter key to terminate the object selection.
Select objects which are to be covered.
Select objects:
Select the objects which are to be covered.
All leaders produced with Parts labeling, automatically cover the labeled parts.
You can undo the cover function with the command Cancel object covering.
With the command Cover mode you can control the display of the surrounding edges.