Commands and functions > Dimensions > Length of an object
Length of an object
Tab ATHENA > Group Label > Length of an object
ATHENA > Dimensions > Length of an object
ATH Dimensions > Length of an object
Command input:
With this function you can show the length of a selected object in the AutoCAD text window.
Input request 
Select objects or [?]:
Use the mouse to choose an object.
See Outputs.
Insert text [Yes/No/?] <No>:
Use the Option Yes to insert the length as text in the current drawing.
Use the option No when you want to insert the length not as text.
With the option ? you call the help.
Option Yes
Specify text height or [?] <XX>:
Specify the text height.
Press the Enter key to accept the default.
Specify insertion point or [?]:
Use the mouse or enter coordinates to specify the insertion point of the text.
With object type Line:
Length: ???
With object type Circle or Arc:
Radius: ???
Length: ??? (Circumference)
With object type Polyline or Ellipse:
Polyline (overall length: ???)
Segment: Length: ???
With object type Block
(Block is not exploded):
Included in block XXXXX
(and one of the three above possibilities)
Associated commands:
Load items