Commands and functions > Service > Export items
Export items
Tab ATHENA > Group Extras > Export items
ATHENA > Service > Export items
ATH Service > Export items
Command input:
With this function you export a group of standard parts to be selected to the clipboard.
Dialog box Export items standard parts
Standard parts
Selects standard parts for item export.
Semi-finished products
Selects semi-finished products for item export.
Sheet metal
Selects sheet metal for item export.
Select standards regions
Opens the Tab Standards regions, where you can define from which regions the standards are to be displayed.
Shows the available standard parts in a tree structure. Here you can select the required standard with the mouse. Closed branches (standards groups) in the tree structure are identified with +. Open branches are identified with -.
Click OK to execute the export. ATHENA returns in a dialog box the number of records written.
Then insert the content of the clipboard into any spread-sheet program (e.g. Microsoft Excel) so that you can add your own item numbers in column C. Enter an * (asterisk) to remove an existing item number.
In the other columns you can supplement any information required for internal use.
Column B must not be changed, because it involves the standard part code. During import ATHENA only takes into account columns B and C.
Standard parts group imported into Excel.
If you use a word processor or a text editor instead of a spread-sheet program, the columns are separated by tabulators.
Use the command Import items to import groups of standard parts into ATHENA.
You will find information about the clipboard in your Windows documentation.