Commands and functions > Analyze > Shear object
Shear object
Tab ATHENA Model > Group Output > Shear object
Modeling > Analyze > Shear object
ATH Analyze > Shear object
Command input:
Displays a cross section cut at specified saw and oblique angles in the drawing.
With this you can, for example, show the cross section of a transom which meets a mullion diagonally (miter cut) (e.g. to draw the outline of the double-miter cut on the mullion).
When you start the command, the following appears:
Input request 
Select object:
Select the section which you want to display as sheared. Directly after the object selection the Shear dialog box is started.
Dialog box Shear
On the left side of the dialog box you can see the preview of the bar in the normal and the sheared representations. You can specify the angle on the right side.
Dialog box section Shear
Saw angle
Defines the setting angle of the saw.
Oblique angle
Defines the oblique angle of the saw.
Sets the defined angles to 0°.
When you terminate the dialog box with OK, the selected object is displayed sheared.