Configuration > Options > Format
Defines the formatting of data in automatically generated lists and labels.
Dialog box Format
Dialog box section Job/position
Job - Job part
Defines the delimiting character between job number and job part. Default: Space character
Job - Position
Defines the delimiting character between job number and position number. Default: Space character
Group - Position
Defines the delimiting character between group number and position number. Default: Line (|)
Row - Column
Defines the delimiting character between row number and column number. Default: Hyphen (-)
Position - Component
Defines the delimiting character between position number and component number. Default: Point: (.).
Dialog box section Symbols Label
Defines the character for quantity. Default: x (x).
Thickness - Length
Defines the delimiting character between thickness and length. Default: Forward slash (/).
Width - Height
Defines the delimiting character between width and height. Default: x (x).
Dialog box section Date/time
Defines the date format. Default: Day.Month.Year (DD.MM.YYYY).
Defines the format for the time. Default: Hours:Minutes:Seconds (hh:mm:ss)
Dialog box section List output
Defines the decimal separator for results lists which are saved to the clipboard or in an external format. Default: Comma (,)
Dialog box section Table
Defines the decimal separator for results tables which are inserted into the drawing. Default: Point: (.)
Restores all format settings to the ATHENA default settings.