Tab ATHENA Model > Group Apply > Assign processes to infill
Modeling > Apply > Assign processes to infill
ATH Apply > Assign processes to infill
Command input:
With this routine you can apply outlines as processes to existing infills (glazing or panels). With multilayer infills these processes can be applied specifically to single layers.
To do this you draw an outline which is to be used as a process and place it on the infill.
When you call the command, the following dialog box appears:
Dialog box Include layers
Here you select the layer on which the process is to be applied. To select a number of layers, keep the shift key pressed when selecting. If the infill contains a layer with the material type Cavity, the tick box Generate edge spacer can be set. This has the effect of producing an edge spacer along the processing outline.
When you close the dialog box with OK, the following appears:
Input request
Select infill:
Use the mouse to choose the infill.
Specify the infill reference point or [?]:
You select a reference point on the infill to which the processes are to relate.
With the option ? you call the help.
Select objects:
Select the outlines you want to use as processes with the mouse.