Commands and functions > LogiKal interface > LogiKal element interface
LogiKal element interface
The LogiKal element interface is a bidirectional interface. This means that the LogiKal elements are always assigned to a project in LogiKal and all changes, irrespective of whether they are carried out in LogiKal or in ATHENA, are visible in both programs.
If LogiKal elements, which have been imported into the drawing, are modified, a notice appears in ATHENA that elements need to be updated:
Update message
Speech-balloon notices are only shown when this AutoCAD system variable is set as follows: traynotify=1.
LogiKal elements can be imported from LogiKal or produced in the drawing with ATHENA. A prerequisite for producing a new LogiKal element in ATHENA is a link to a LogiKal project. This means that a LogiKal project must be imported, before you can create a new LogiKal element in ATHENA.
Restrictions on working with the LogiKal element interface
If a drawing with LogiKal elements is opened on a workstation where LogiKal is not installed or the LogiKal project is not present, the elements can only be processed with restrictions, because there is no project link. For example, you can modify their labels, but cannot exchange any profiles.
Elements without a position number cannot be imported into ATHENA.
Definition of terms
A project in LogiKal corresponds to a job in ATHENA.
The position in LogiKal is a production position and corresponds to the tag in ATHENA. Several identical elements therefore have the same tag, provided it is not necessary to issue different tags for production or other reasons.
A position in ATHENA is however always unique. Consequently, many identical elements have different position numbers.
A position in ATHENA is always unique. It corresponds to an ID and arises only once per job. If elements in LogiKal have identical positions, they cannot be imported.