Installation and Authorization > Installation of ATHENA 2018 > Automated installation
Automated installation
Using the parameter file, the installation of ATHENA 2018 can be configured in advance. This has the advantage that you then only have to confirm the dialog boxes or you can carry out an installation in the background (without a dialog box).
The automated installation is useful for system administrators who want to install ATHENA 2018 on several workstations with identical configuration.
For an installation in the background, the installation file ath_installer.exe must be run with the following parameters:
ath_installer.exe /silent
(Installation in the background with progress indication)
ath_installer.exe /verysilent
(Installation in the background without indication)
All parameters of the athena.ini must be set to obtain a flawless installation in the background.
Content of the parameter file ath_installer.ini:
Parameter of the athena.ini:
CD-Key= State CD key.
ACADVersion= AutoCAD version, e.g.: 22.0 for AutoCAD 2018.
ACADProductId= ID of the AutoCAD product, e.g.: 1004 for AutoCAD Architecture.
ACADLocaleId= Code for the localization of the AutoCAD version, e.g.:
407: German.
409: English
40C: French
ACADProfileName= Name of the AutoCAD profile which is to be used as template for the ATHENA profile, e.g.: AutoCAD.
InstallationKind= Installations details (0,1,2):
0: Full installation and retention of the user files.
1: Full installation and overwriting of the user files.
2: Only configuration.
Applic= Folder for ATHENA 2018 program files, default:
DataLocal= Folder for local settings, default:
DataGroup= Folder for group settings, default:
CPL_Applic= Folder for general program files for CAD-PLAN application, default:
CPL_DataLocal= Folder for local settings of the CAD-PLAN application, default:
CPL_DataGroup= Folder for group settings of the CAD-PLAN application, default:
MenuPath= Folder for the adaptation files (*.cuix), default:
P_Path= Folder for drawings of the profile manufacturer, default:
U_Path= Folder for user drawings, default:
W_Path= Folder for project drawings, default:
You can specify complete paths (also network paths are possible) or use system variables. System variables must be structured as follows: {%SYSVARNAME}.
Examples of system variables:
Program folder on 64-bit system
%ProgramW6432% (C:\Program Files): {%ProgramW6432}
Program folder on 32-bit system
%ProgramFiles% (C:\Program Files): {%ProgramFiles}
AppData/Roaming folder
%Appdata% (C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming): {%SystemDrive}
Program data folder
%AllUsersProfile% (C:\ProgramData): {%AllUsersProfile}
CopySystemFolders= Copy folders and contents of the system provider (0,1):
0: do not copy
1: copy.
With background installations it must be ensured that writing rights are available for copying the system folders. If this is not the case, you should not copy these folders.
CopyUserFolders= Copy folders and contents of the user folder (0,1):
0: do not copy
1: copy.
With background installations it must be ensured that writing rights are available for copying the user folder. If this is not the case, you should not copy this folder.
CopyPlotstyleTables= Copy ATHENA plot style tables (0,1):
0: do not copy
1: copy.
DWGTemplate= Use ATHENA template (metric/British/none):
metric: Use metric template.
British: Use British template.
none: Do not use a template.