If ATHENA does not find the hardware protection plug or you are using several hardware protection plugs in the network, there are two methods of specifically addressing the hardware protection plug.
1. You can specify the name of the server (or computer to which the hardware protection plug is connected). This method is recommended when you are using a hardware protection plug in the network or when you have connected several hardware protection plugs to different servers.
2. You can specify the key ID of the hardware protection plug. This step is only recommended when you have connected several hardware protection plugs to a server.
For both cases of application you have to adapt the ath_hasp_srm.xml file.
Application Case 1
In the folder Driver\HASP Key Access\XML_Hostname\ on your installation medium you will find the file ath_hasp_srm.xml. This file is used to localize a network dongle on a server.
Copy this file to the folder %ProgramData%\CAD-PLAN\2017\ATHENA\DataGroup and change the following line:
<license_manager hostname="SERVERNAME" />
Replace SERVERNAME by the name of your license server or by the local host if the dongle is connected to the local computer.
Application Case 2
In the folder Driver\HASP Key Access\XML_Key-ID\ on your installation medium you will find the file ath_hasp_srm.xml. This file is used to localize a network dongle by using its key ID.
Copy this file to the folder %ProgramData%\CAD-PLAN\2016\ATHENA\DataGroup and change the following line:
<hasp id="11111111" />
Replace 11111111 by the key ID of your dongle.
The key ID is displayed in the browser under the address http:localhost:1947. If several HASP hardware protection plugs are connected to the computer, you can recognize the one used by ATHENA by the Vendor ID 78720.