Finding data records is simplified with the filter function. In particular in files with a large number of data records the data filter is very helpful. You can combine the various filters to restrict the data display.
Input field Defines the term to be filtered.
Filter Activates the data filter. If no additional switch is pressed, the data records are displayed in which the stated string occurs in a data field.
Key Activates the filter function for the data key. In combination with the pressed filter the data records are displayed in which the stated string is contained in the key.
Old Activates the filter function for data records marked as outdated. In combination with the pressed filter the data records are displayed which are labeled as Outdated and in which the stated string is contained in the data field.
Compare whole text Selects the filter function for the complete text. In combination with the pressed filter only data records are displayed when the complete content of a data field matches the stated string.