Configuration > System Configuration > ATHENA system variables > ATH_LEADERTYPE
Controls the use of optimized labels. These system variables influence both the generation of new leaders and also the conversion of existing leaders from earlier ATHENA versions.
Labels in the new format can be positioned independently of the set label scale. For example, the label can be arranged closer to the component when the scale is set at 1:1 and with the scale 1:2 further away from the component.
On deactivation the position of the new labels no longer changes.
Labels in the new format cannot be edited in earlier versions of ATHENA!
The following values can be entered for ATH_LEADERTYPE:
Leaders from earlier ATHENA versions are not converted on opening the drawing.
New leaders are produced in the old format.
Default setting!
Leaders from earlier ATHENA versions are not converted on opening the drawing.
New leaders are produced in the new format.
Leaders from earlier ATHENA versions are converted on opening the drawing.
New leaders are produced in the new format.
ATH_LEADERTYPE controls leaders which have been generated with the following commands:
Parts labeling
Label tags
Coordinate label
Position symbols
Edge symbol
Surface symbol