Commands and functions > Apply > Apply assembly
Apply assembly
Tab ATHENA Model > Group Apply > Apply assembly
Modeling > Apply > Apply assembly
ATH Apply > Apply assembly
Command input:
With this function you can insert an assembly into the current drawing.
Dialog box Apply assembly
On the left side the dialog box contains a preview of the current assembly.
Changing the view
Using the buttons on the left side you can switch between various permanently defined views of the assembly. Apart from the wire frame display, a hidden display is possible
The current setting is highlighted in color.
Shows the complete assembly as viewed from above.
Side elevation from the left
Shows the assembly as a side elevation from the left.
Side elevation from the right
Shows the assembly as a side elevation from the right.
Front elevation
Shows the assembly as viewed from the front.
Rear elevation
Shows the assembly as viewed from the back.
ISO projection SW
Shows the assembly as the isometric view from the southwest.
ISO projection SE
Shows the assembly as the isometric view from the southeast.
ISO projection NE
Shows the assembly as the isometric view from the northeast.
ISO projection NW
Shows the assembly as the isometric view from the northwest.
Hidden view
Masks out the hidden edges of the assembly solid in the current view.
Dialog box section Apply
Inserts a 3D solid of the assembly into the drawing.
Inserts a 2D projection of the currently set preview of the assembly into the drawing.
Updates assemblies which have been linked to bars by grid allocation or by joining bars.
Singly inserted assemblies cannot be updated. All assemblies of the selected bars are always updated. The assembly selection here has no effect.
Dialog box section Selection
You will find a detailed description of the functions of the dialog box in the Chapter Object selection.
Select an assembly from the list and click OK to insert the assembly into the current drawing. If you are using an assembly with variants, the Dialog box Assembly parameters appears, otherwise the following:
Input request for the options Solid and Projection
Specify insertion point or [?]:
Specify the insertion point of the assembly.
With the option ? you call the help.
Specify rotation angle or [?] <0>:
Specify the rotation angle of the assembly or adopt the default angle with a right click.
Input request for the option Update
Select objects
Select the bars, whose linked assemblies you want to update.