Commands and functions > Block > Bind and insert XRefs
Bind and insert XRefs
Tab ATHENA > Group Extras > Bind and insert XRefs
ATHENA > Block > Bind and insert XRefs
ATH Block > Bind and insert XRefs
ATHENA Block > Bind and insert XRefs
Command input:
With this command all XRefs can be bound and inserted into a drawing.
If you want to pass drawings to other AutoCAD users, then you should bind and insert all the XRefs it contains. The XRefs are then saved in the drawings. You do not need to pass on the XRef files, so avoiding problems with the recipient due to incorrect path statements in the XRefs.
In contrast to the AutoCAD command XRef, with ath_bind all XRefs located in the drawing are integrated and inserted without calling a dialog box. Consequently, it is possible to couple this command with a script (see also the chapter Create script) to automate the binding and insertion of XRefs in a number of drawings. You will find further information about XRefs in the AutoCAD documentation.
Input request 
Are all XRefs to be bound and inserted? [Yes/No/?] <Yes>:
Choose the option Yes to bind and insert all XRefs in the drawing.
Select the option No to terminate the command without binding and inserting XRefs.
With the option ? you call the help.
If different XRefs contain symbols (blocks, layers, etc.) with the same name but different content, the content of the symbol in the first XRef is transferred to all other symbols with the same name.
You will find further information about XRefs in your AutoCAD documentation.