Commands and functions > Dimensions > Highlight associated dimension objects
Highlight associated dimension objects
Tab ATHENA > Group Label > Highlight associated dimension objects
ATHENA > Dimensions > > Highlight associated dimension objects
ATH Dimensions > Highlight associated dimension objects
ATHENA Dimensions > Highlight associated dimension objects
Command input:
Highlights dimension objects which belong to the same dimension system as the selected dimension object.
In this way you can check which interrupted dimensions or levels belong to one another. This is in particular helpful if you have created many levels and interrupted dimensions in different dimension systems.
Input request 
Select level or dimension of definition or [?]:
Select a level or an interrupted dimension.
With the option ? you call the help.
All dimension objects of the dimension system are now emphasized (highlighted). You can terminate the highlighting by regenerating the drawing (AutoCAD command _regen).
You will find information on levels in the sections Horizontal levels and Vertical levels.
You will find information on interrupted dimensions in the sections Interruption, Define interrupted dimension and Set interrupted dimensions.