Commands and functions > Dimensions > Arrange leaders
Arrange leaders
Tab ATHENA > Group Label > Arrange leaders
ATHENA > Dimensions > Arrange leaders
ATH Dimensions > Arrange leaders
Command input:
Arranges leaders and labels on an alignment point or through distribution methods.
Horizontal texts (readable from the front) are arranged vertically to one another. Vertical texts (readable from the right) are arranged horizontally to one another.
Arrange labels
When the command is called, then follows:
Input request 
Select objects:
Select the leaders and labels which you want to align.
This input request is repeated until you confirm the object selection by pressing the Enter key.
Mode: Orthogonal
Specify alignment point or [Distribute/Specify distance/?]:
Specify the alignment point to arrange the selected labels.
Use the Mode Distribute to distribute leaders evenly between two points.
Use the Mode Specify distance to distribute leaders with a fixed distance between two points.
With the option ? you call the help.
Mode Distribute
Specify first point or [Specify distance/Orthogonal/?]:
Enter a point for the first leader.
Use the Mode: Orthogonal to align leaders to an alignment point.
Specify second point:
Enter a point for the last leader. The selected leaders are evenly distributed between the specified points.
Mode Specify distance
Specify distance or [Distribute/Orthogonal/?] <x>:
Enter the distance between the leaders. The distance relates to the first line of text.
Select leader or [?]:
Choose the first leader for the arrangement.
Specify direction:
Specify the direction of the arrangement. The leaders are arranged at the specified distance to one another.
x object(s) modified.
The following applies for all arrangement modes: The distances relate in each case to the first line of the leader label, so that with leaders with a different number of lines the intervening distances may vary.
You can arrange leaders which have been generated with the following commands:
Parts labeling
Label tags
Coordinate label
Position symbols