Commands and functions > Dimensions > Remove leader line
Remove leader line
Tab ATHENA > Group Label > Remove leader line
ATHENA > Dimensions > Remove leader line
ATH Dimensions > Remove leader line
ATHENA Dimensions > Remove leader line
Command input:
With leader labels this removes leader lines.
When you execute the command, the following appears:
Input request 
Select label or [?]:
Select the leader line which you want to remove.
When you select a secondary leader line, it is immediately removed. When you select the primary leader, this input request appears:
Yes: All leader lines are deleted and the leader text is moved to the origin (arrow tip of the primary leader line).
No: Only the leader line is deleted. A secondary leader line becomes a primary one.
With the option ? you call the help.
With scalable leaders the leader lines are always removed for all scales.
You will find information on scalability in the section Scalability (label objects).
Associated commands:
Parts labeling
Add leader line