Commands and functions > Dimensions > Copy label text
Copy label text
Tab ATHENA > Group > Label > Copy label text
ATHENA > Dimensions > Copy label text
ATH Dimensions > Copy label text
Command input:
Copies additional texts of a label or dimension (source object) to several other labels or dimensions (target objects).
Input request 
Select source object or [?]
Select the source object (label or dimension containing the additional texts which are to be transported.)
With the option ? you call the help.
The following appears after object selection:
Dialog box Copy label texts
You will find further information on the Dialog box Copy label texts in the section Copy label texts.
When you close the dialog box with OK, an input request for object selection follows.
Input request 
Select objects:
Select the target objects to supplement the additional texts.
The source and target objects must always match:
Source object dimension -> Target object dimension
Source object part label or manual label -> Target object part label or manual label.