Commands and functions > General Functions and Information > Physical values
Physical values
When you click the button Physical values ... in the Dialog box Material properties, ATHENA starts the Dialog box Physical Material Properties.
Here you enter the physical material parameters which ATHENA uses for the computations in structural analysis and building physics for the selected material.
Dialog box Physical Material Properties
Dialog box section Unit
Activates metric units for material parameters.
British - imperial
Activates British units for material parameters.
US - imperial
Activates American units for material parameters.
Dialog box section Coefficients
Enter the physical material parameters in the appropriate input fields. In doing this, take note of the units located to the right of the input fields. It is not mandatory to enter all values. In the computational dialog fields ATHENA only lists the materials for which the required parameters are present.
Activates the table for (omega values) buckling values which are needed for the calculation of supports.
Opens up and closes the table of omega values. Click in a field of the table to activate it and to change the corresponding value.
Click OK to close the dialog box and to save the material values. Click Cancel to discard the settings. In both cases ATHENA returns to the Dialog box Material properties.
Information on density:
In the as-shipped state, a value for the density is already entered for most materials.
If several values exist for the density of a material or it cannot be unambiguously determined (density from... to...), then the mean value is used. For example, this is the case for wood, where the following factors affect the density:
Location of the tree.
Environmental conditions during growth.
Extent to which the wood is dried.