Commands and functions > Modify > Rotate and hidden display
Rotate and hidden display
Tab ATHENA > Group Modify > Rotate and hidden display
ATHENA Modify > Rotate and hidden display
ATH Modify
Command input:
Copies and rotates selected objects and places them on a hidden (dashed) depiction.
For example, you may use this to show a door leaf when it is open and to determine the clearance dimension.
Input request 
Select objects:
Select the objects which you wish to copy, rotate and display covered. This input request is repeated until you confirm the object selection by pressing the Enter key.
Specify center of rotation or [?]:
Determine the center point of the rotation.
With the option ? you call the help.
Specify rotation angle
Determine the rotation angle by keyboard input or pointing with the mouse.
The copied objects are inserted on the layer intended for hidden lines of standard parts/semi-finished products.
You can change these layer settings in the Dialog box System layer. You will find further information about system layers in the section Layer.
Hatches, dimensions, labels, and other objects are not included in this feature.