Commands and functions > Apply > Infill plane
Infill plane
Tab ATHENA Model > Group Modify > Infill plane
Modeling > Apply > Infill plane
ATH Apply > Infill plane
Command input:
Creates an infill plane.
You can convert infill planes quickly into infills by assignment or use them as boundary objects for the Cutting of bars.
When you execute the command, the following appears:
Input request 
Specify first point for plane or [UCS/?] <UCS>:
Define the first point of the infill plane.
With the option UCS the infill plane is created in the center of the XY plane of the current UCS.
With the option ? you call the help.
Specify second point for plane or [Undo/?]:
Define the first point of the infill plane.
With the option Undo you can reverse the last step.
Specify third point for plane or [Undo/?]:
Define the first point of the infill plane.
The infill plane is shown as a circle with a line. The line indicates the direction (weather side of the infill).
With the command Cutting you can use an infill plane as a boundary object for a bar cutting. This has an associative effect, i.e. the bar cutting is adapted when you move or rotate the infill plane.
The direction of the infill plane has no effect on the cutting. The shorter end of the bar is always cut.
With the command Apply infill you can attach saved glazing or panels to infill planes.