Commands and functions > Drawing > Projection outline
Projection outline
Tab ATHENA > Group Drawing > Projection outline
ATHENA > Drawing > Projection outline
ATH Drawing > Projection outline
ATHENA Drawing > Projection outline
Command input:
With this command you project the closed outlines in any direction or along a path. ATHENA examines the selected outlines and automatically recognizes external outlines (visible) and internal contours (hidden).
Input request 
Select outline or [Settings/?]:
Use the mouse to choose the outline to be projected.
Use the Option Settings to open the Dialog box Projection outline and adapt the projection settings.
With the option ? you call the help.
Select outline or [?]:
Use the mouse to choose further outlines to be projected. This input request is repeated. Press the Enter key to terminate the object selection.
Specify start point or [Object/?]:
Use the mouse or enter coordinates to specify the projection start point.
Use the Option Object to select an object.
Specify next point or [Direction/Object/Undo/?]:
Specify a further projection point.
Use the Option Direction to change the projection direction.
Use the option Undo to repeat the last input request.
Specify next point or [Direction/Object/Undo/?]:
Define further projection points or select an option. The input request is repeated. Press the Enter key to terminate the object selection.
The length of the projection becomes effective on the stated path. This should be taken into account when specifying the starting point.
Option Direction
Specify direction or [Undo/?]:
Use the mouse or enter coordinates to specify the direction of the projection.
Specify length or [Undo/?]:
Define the length of the projection with the mouse or by entering a length.
Option Object
Select object for path or [Points/?]:
Select an object (line, polyline or arc), which specifies the path for the projection.
Option Settings
Dialog box Projection outline
Dialog box section Construction
Start side interrupted
Creates a projection with interrupted start side.
End side interrupted
Creates a projection with interrupted end side.
The tick boxes can also both be switched off or on.
Dialog box section Display
Use object layer
Uses the current layer of the object for the projection.
Use material layer
Uses the layer defined for the material for the projection. This option only functions with ATHENA objects if you have assigned a material to them.
When both tick boxes are deactivated, Layer 0 is used for visible edges.
You can project the following object types:
Polylines (these must be closed or the end points must touch.)
Polylines and circles in blocks, XRefs and groups
ATHENA objects (e.g. sheet metal section)
You can define the layers for the outline and hidden edges in the ATHENA options (see Chapter Layer.)