Commands and functions > Stairway > Stairway
Tab ATHENA > Group Drawing > Stairway
ATHENA > Drawing > Stairway
ATH Drawing > Stairway
Command input:
Program for designing stairways. All stairway parameters are defined in one dialog box. You can insert fully dimensioned steps and the plan, 3D model, step diagrams and strings/cross beams into the current drawing.
The basis for the stairway calculation is DIN 18065 (Building stairways).
Dialog box ATHENA Stairway
On the left side the dialog box contains a preview of the stairway. The preview is primarily used for a visual check, but offers other functions too:
Additional functions are activated by clicking in the preview with the mouse wheel. You will find further information on this in the section Object preview.
To the left of the preview there are buttons with which you can adjust both the preview and also the insertion of the projection into the drawing. You will find further information on this in the section Object views.
On the right side of the dialog box there is the operating section with the tabs:
The individual tabs in turn contain drop-down menus with the appropriate setting options.
A description of the tabs and drop-down menus is given further below in this section.
The Administration section is the same for other objects. You will find a detailed description of the Administration section in the Chapter Management of objects.
Tab Defaults
This section contains the following drop-down menus:
Stairway flight
Cross beam/joist
Ladder string
Drop-down menu Stairway flight
Dialog box section Basic data
Vertical height
States the vertical height spanned by the stairway.
The vertical height does not necessarily correspond to the height of the stairway. To calculate the stairway height other parameters, e.g. the first and last steps, are taken into account.
Stairway length
Specifies the length of the stairway.
Stairway width
Specifies the width of the stairway.
With string stairways the width including the strings is specified.
First step
Defines whether the first step of the stairway starts with a riser or a going.
Last step
Defines whether the last step of the stairway starts with a riser or a tread.
Dialog box section Walking line
Defines the distance of the walking line to the outside or inside of the stairway.
Defines the radius of the walking line for 1/4 or 1/2 spiral stairways.
The distance of the walking line specified from the inner side of the stairway.
The distance of the walking line specified from the outer side of the stairway.
Include handrail
Measures the distance of the walking line from the center of the handrail.
Drop-down menu Steps
Dialog box section Rise-to-going ratio
Step length
Defines the specified as well as the smallest and greatest admissible step length.
Dialog box section Step
Defines the specified as well as the smallest and the largest admissible going.
Step width, fixed
Activates a fixed width for the step. The width dimension of the step is specified in the input field.
Toe space
Specifies the dimension for the toe space.
Specifies the thickness dimension for the step.
Dialog box section Riser
Defines the specified as well as the smallest and greatest admissible rise.
Activates the riser. The thickness dimension of the riser is specified in the input field.
Causes the risers to be set from behind against the step.
Causes the risers to be set between the steps.
Drop-down menu Winding
Dialog box section Winding
Specifies the radius of the winding for the radial method.
Specifies the radius of the stairwell for the line-of-sight method.
Going min.
Specifies the minimum dimension for the going for the line-of-sight method.
Dialog box section Method
Calculates the step winding of spiral stairs according to the radial method.
Line-of-sight method
Calculates the step winding of spiral stairs according to the line-of-sight method.
Drop-down menu Spiral
Dialog box section Spiral
Changes the default direction for spiral stairs to the right.
Changes the default direction for spiral stairs to the left.
Internal radius
Specifies the default internal radius for spiral stairs.
Going min.
Specifies the minimum dimension for the going of the steps.
Spiral angle
Specifies the default angle for spiral stairs.
Drop-down menu Landing
Dialog box section Stairwell
Sets a straight stairwell as default. The width of the stairwell can be defined in the input field.
Sets a curved stairwell as default. The radius of the stairwell can be defined in the input field.
Defines the width or the radius of the stairwell.
Dialog box section First step
Specifies that the first step of the stairway begins on the floor.
The height of the floor structure can be defined in the appropriate input field.
Specifies that the first step of the stairway begins on the ceiling.
The ceiling dimensions can be can be defined in the appropriate input fields
Intermediate landing
Specifies that the first step of the stairway begins on the landing.
Dialog box section Total
Defines the total thickness of the ceiling.
Defines the inset of the ceiling under the first step of the stairs.
Dialog box section Structure
Defines the height of the floor structure.
Defines the thickness of the ceiling.
Defines the wall thickness.
Dialog box section Last step
Analogous to the first step, here corresponding default settings for the last step are defined. You will find the description of this in the dialog box section First step.
Drop-down menu String
Dialog box section String
Defines the width of the string (material thickness).
Defines the spacing between the step and the string.
Top inset
Defines the distance of the front edge of a step to the upper edge of the string.
Bottom inset/Height
Depending on the switch setting, here you set either the height of the string or the distance of the rear edge of the step to the lower edge of the string.
Dialog box section First step connection
Defines the type of connection of the string in the first step You can choose between: Standard, Horizontal and Vertical.
The offered possible selections depend on the selected floor connection of the first step in the Drop-down menu Landing.
Depending on the type of connection selected, a sub-dialog box opens in which you can set additional connection parameters. You will find further information on this in the section First step string connection.
Dialog box section Last step connection
Defines the type of connection of the string in the last step. You can choose between: Standard, Clinched, Horizontal and Vertical.
The offered possible selections depend on the selected floor connection of the last step in the Drop-down menu Landing.
Depending on the type of connection selected, a sub-dialog box opens in which you can set additional connection parameters. You will find further information on this in the section String connection, last step.
Drop-down menu Cross beam/joist
No yet available.
Drop-down menu Ladder string
No yet available.
Drop-down menu Handrail
Dialog box section Handrail
Defines the height of the handrail.
Defines the diameter of the handrail.
Dialog box section Wall
Specifies the distance of the wall to the center of the handrail.
Dialog box section Free
Specifies the distance from the center of the handrail alternatively to the stairway, step or wall. The distance which applies is defined with the following option fields:
Specifies the distance to the outer side of the stairway.
Specifies the distance to the outer side of the step.
String center
Specifies the distance to the center stairway string.
Tab Flight
The content of this tab is dynamic and changes in dependence of the active type of stairway, which is selected in the table of flights.
When a stairway flight is selected, buttons for changing the flight are displayed. Furthermore, the following drop-down menus are shown with further possible settings.
Intermediate landing
If you select a landing in the table, buttons for modifying the landing are displayed. Also, additional dialog box sections with further possible settings are displayed.
Dialog box section Flights
Here, the available flights and landings with the properties are shown in tabular form. The properties of the relevant flight cannot be changed directly in the table. Changes can be made in the input fields further below. For this, select the flight to be changed in the table.
When you click a flight with the right mouse key, a context menu appears with the following options:
Appends a new flight at the end of the table.
Deletes the selected flight from the table.
The flights and landings always alternate. Consecutive flights of steps or consecutive landings are not possible.
Stairway flight
When you select a flight, the dialog box appears as below:
Dialog box section Flight
You can set the required flight by clicking the appropriate button.
Generates a straight flight of steps.
Generates a quarter spiral flight of steps.
The permissible angular range of this form of flight is 1° to 90°.
Generates a half spiral flight of steps.
The permissible angular range of this form of flight is 91° to 180°.
This option is however not yet released.
Creates a spiral stairway.
The permissible angular range of this form of flight is 1° to 360°.
If you repeated a click on one of the buttons, the direction (right/left) changes.
Drop-down menu Properties
Specifies the angle for quarter spiral, half spiral and spiral stairways.
This input field is deactivated for straight flights.
Specifies the width for spiral stairs.
This input field is not displayed for the other types of stairway. Their width is defined in Drop-down menu Segments.
Internal radius
Defines the internal radius of the spiral stairway.
This input field is not displayed for the other types of stairway.
Vertical height
States the vertical height spanned by the stairway.
The difference in height normally corresponds to the story height (top edge of floor to top edge of floor on the next story).
With the Vertical height button < you can pick it up by clicking two points in the drawing. For this, the dialog box is temporarily closed and the input request appears:
Input request 
Specify vertical height or [?] <2880>:
Specify the first point of the vertical height, e.g. a point on the finished floor of the story.
Press the Enter key to accept the default value in pointed brackets.
Specify second point:
Specify the first point of the vertical height, e.g. a perpendicular point on the finished floor of the next story.
First step
Defines whether the first step of the stairway starts with a riser or a going.
Last step
Defines whether the last step of the stairway finishes with a riser or a going.
Drop-down menu Segments
In the table the properties of the segments of the current flight are shown. You can change the properties of the selected flight in the further sections of the dialog box.
Length <
Defines the length of the flight. If you click the button, you can access the length from the drawing. For this, the dialog box is temporarily closed and an input request appears.
Specifies the length on the outer side of the stairway.
Specifies the length on the inner side of the stairway.
Width <
Defines the width of the flight. If you click the button, you can access the width from the drawing. For this, the dialog box is temporarily closed and an input request appears.
Dialog box section Handrail
Handrail, left/right
Switches on the handrail on the relevant side for the current stairway section.
Uses the default free distance between the handrail and stairway.
Uses the default wall spacing for the handrail.
The handrail spacings can be adjusted in each case in the Drop-down menu Handrail of the Tab Defaults.
Drop-down menu Intermediate landing
The table shows the properties of the landings. You can change the properties of the selected landings in the further sections of the dialog box.
Intermediate landings can be switched on for single or multi-flight stairways. You interrupt a stairway flight without changing the direction of the flight.
Generates two landings with half-spiral stairs so that a stairway with three flights is created.
Depth <
Sets the depth dimension of the landing.
Distance <
Sets the horizontal distance of the landing to the stairs.
Defines the reference to which the distance dimension of the landing refers.
The distance is measured from the front edge of the first step of the stairway to the front edge of the landing.
The distance is derived.
This option is only available for half-spiral stairways with landing.
The distance is measured from the rear edge of the last step of the stairway to the rear edge of the landing.
Stairway landing
When you select a stairway landing, the dialog box appears as below:
In contrast to the intermediate landing which interrupts a flight of steps, a stairway landing is a component which actually separates different flights of steps. Consequently, with the stairway landing the flight direction of the stairway can be changed.
Dialog box section Type
You can set the required flight by clicking the appropriate button.
Generates a straight landing without changing the flight direction.
Generates a landing with a change in the flight direction.
The permissible angular range of this form of landing is 1° to 90°.
Generates a landing with a change in the flight direction.
The permissible angular range of this form of landing is 91° to 180°.
Generates a landing in a spiral newel form.
The permissible angular range of this form of landing is 1° to 269°.
Generates a landing in a spiral form.
The permissible angular range of this form of landing is 1° to 360°.
If you repeat a click on one of the buttons, the direction (right/left) changes.
Generates a landing by choosing a drawn outline. For this, the dialog box is temporarily closed and the following appears:
Input request 
Select the outline Landing or [?]:
Select the outline which you want to use as the landing.
The outline for the landing must be a closed polyline with at least two straight segments.
Select side for approaching flight or [?]:
Select a polyline segment of the outline for the approaching flight. Here it is sufficient to click in the vicinity of a segment.
Select the left side connection or [?]:
Select a point on the line just selected (polyline segment). At the selected point the left side of the tread of the approaching flight is connected.
Press the Enter key to use the left end (start point of the rubber-band line) of the line.
Select side for leaving flight or [?]:
Select a polyline segment of the outline for the leaving flight. Here too, it is sufficient to click in the vicinity of a segment.
Select the left side connection or [?]:
Select a point on the line just selected (polyline segment). At the selected point the left side of the first step of the leaving flight is connected.
Press the Enter key to use the right end (start point of the rubber-band line) of the line.
First step
Defines whether the first step connects to a building structure, a ceiling or an intermediate landing.
Last step
Defines whether the last step connects to a building structure, a ceiling or an intermediate landing.
Dialog box section Dimensions
Defines the angle in the change of flight direction.
The permissible angles depend on the selected type of landing.
If you have imported a landing from the drawing, the angle cannot however be changed.
Specifies the landing width.
Specifies the landing depth.
The width and depth of the landing depends, according to the type, on various parameters (e.g. width of the flight). In this case the dimensions are displayed, but cannot be changed.
Dialog box section Total
Defines the total thickness of the ceiling.
Defines the inset of the ceiling on the first step of the stairs.
Inset of last step
Defines the inset of the ceiling on the last step of the stairs.
Dialog box section Structure
Defines the height of the floor structure.
Defines the thickness of the ceiling.
Defines the wall thickness.
Dialog box section Stairwell
Activating the tick box provides a stairwell.
The stairwell can only be manually activated with quarter spiral stairways.
With half spiral and spiral newel stairways it is automatically turned on for constructional reasons.
With straight stairways and spiral stairways there is no stairwell.
Activates a straight stairwell
Activates a curved stairwell
Defines the width or the radius of the stairwell according to the selected type (straight or curved).
Tab Winding
Here you can manipulate the winding in the stairs.
Dialog box section Form kite-winder
With radius
Defines the radius for winding the steps.
Going min.
Shows the width of the smallest going.
Dialog box section Steps include
First step
Activates a diagonal first step. In the input field which is enabled on activating the tick box you can define the starting angle.
Dialog box section 1st Region
With the relevant buttons you can include additional steps or remove steps when winding steps at the start and end.
Restores the original state of the winding. This means that manually inserted steps are deleted and manually removed steps are added.
Includes a further step in the relevant area (start or end).
Removes a step from the relevant area (start or end).
Divide areas
Divides the sections of the winding for half spiral stairways. In this way you can separately adapt the winding for any change in direction.
Last step
Activates a diagonal last step. In the input field which is enabled on activating the tick box you can define the finishing angle.
Manual inclusion and removal of steps is not possible with all methods of winding. Currently, it only works with the line-of-sight method (see Winding).
Buttons for changing the flight see .
Tab Steps
Dialog box section Properties
Here, apart from the calculated values of the current stairway the set default values as well as the minimum and maximum values are displayed for checking.
If the calculated values deviate from the default values, a yellow warning symbol is displayed. In this case you have to decide whether the deviation is acceptable or whether the corresponding values can be improved by the removal or addition of steps.
Dialog box section Number of steps
The tick box is automatically activated when you manipulate the number of steps. If the tick box is deactivated, the number of steps calculated for the flight by the program is used.
Adds a step to the current flight.
Removes a step from the current flight.
Buttons for changing the flight see .
Tab String/beam
This section contains the following drop-down menus:
Cross beam/joist
Ladder string
Drop-down menu String
The tick box on the left next to the drop-down menu activates the string for the relevant flight.
Dialog box section Dimensions
Activates the string on the left side of the flight.
Opposite side
Activates the string on the opposite side of the flight.
Activates the string on the right side of the flight.
Shows the string width which has been defined in the default values.
Shows the distance of the string to the flight defined in the default values.
Top inset
Defines the distance of the front edge of a step to the upper edge of the string (top inset).
Bottom inset/Height
Depending on the default setting, here either the height of the string or the distance of the rear edge of the step to the lower edge of the string (bottom inset) is set.
Dialog box section First step connection
Defines the type of connection of the string in the first step You can choose between: Standard, Horizontal and Vertical.
The offered possible selections depend on the selected floor connection of the first step in the Drop-down menu Landing.
Depending on the type of connection selected, a sub-dialog box opens in which you can set additional connection parameters. You will find further information on this in the section First step string connection.
Dialog box section Last step connection
Defines the type of connection of the string in the last step. You can choose between: Standard, Clinched, Horizontal and Vertical.
The offered possible selections depend on the selected floor connection of the last step in the Drop-down menu Landing.
Depending on the type of connection selected, a sub-dialog box opens in which you can set additional connection parameters. You will find further information on this in the section String connection, last step.
Drop-down menu Cross beam/joist
Cross beams and joists are not currently supported.
Drop-down menu Ladder string
Ladder strings are not currently supported.
Tab Output
This section contains the following drop-down menus:
Ground plan
3D model
Step diagram
Drop-down menu Display
Dialog box section Ground plan
Walking line
Switches off the preview of the walking line
Switches off the preview of the string and cross beam.
Switches off the preview of the handrail
Drop-down menu Ground plan
Dialog box section Representation
Walking line
Displays the walking line when you insert a plan of the stairs.
Displays the beam when you insert a plan of the stairs.
Displays the handrail when you insert a plan of the stairs.
Dialog box section Labeling
Labels the steps of the inserted plan.
Ground plan >
Inserts the plan with the above defined settings into the drawing. For this, the dialog box is temporarily closed and the following appears:
Input request 
Specify insertion point or [Update/?]:
Specify the insertion point of the plan.
You can update an existing plan with the Option Update.
With the option ? you call the help.
Specify rotation angle or [Update/?] <0>:
Specify the rotation angle of the plan or press the Enter key to accept the default angle (0°).
Option Update
Select objects:
Select the plan which you want to update.
Drop-down menu 3D model
3D model >
Inserts a 3D model into the drawing. For this, the dialog box is temporarily closed and the following appears:
Input request 
Specify insertion point or [Update/?]:
Specify the insertion point of the 3D model.
You can update an existing 3D model with the Option Update.
With the option ? you call the help.
Specify rotation angle or [Update/?] <0>:
Specify the rotation angle of the 3D model or press the Enter key to accept the default angle (0°).
Option Update
Select objects:
Select the 3D model which you want to update.
Drop-down menu Projection
Projection >
Inserts the current preview picture as a two-dimensional projection into the drawing. For this, the dialog box is temporarily closed and the following appears:
Input request 
Specify insertion point or [Update/?]:
Specify the insertion point of the projection.
You can update an existing projection with the Option Update.
With the option ? you call the help.
Specify rotation angle or [Update/?] <0>:
Specify the rotation angle of the projection or press the Enter key to accept the default angle (0°).
Option Update
Select objects:
Select the projection which you want to update.
Drop-down menu Step diagram
Buttons for changing the flight see .
Step diagram >
Inserts the step configuration of the current flight into the drawing. For this, the dialog box is temporarily closed and the following appears:
Input request 
Specify insertion point:
Specify the insertion point of the step configuration.
With the option ? you call the help.
Specify rotated angle<0>:
Specify the rotation angle of the step configuration or press the Enter key to accept the default angle (0°).
Drop-down menu Steps
Labeling Steps
Labels the steps on insertion with a tag and the quantity.
Dimension Steps
Dimensions the steps on insertion. Rectangular steps are not dimensioned!
Steps >
Inserts the steps of the stairway into the drawing. For this, the dialog box is temporarily closed and the following appears:
Input request 
Specify insertion point or [?]:
Specify the insertion point of the step.
With the option ? you call the help.
This input request is repeated until all steps have been inserted into the drawing.
Risers >
Inserts the risers of the stairway into the drawing. For this, the dialog box is temporarily closed and the following appears:
Input request 
Specify insertion point or [?]:
Specify the insertion point of the riser.
With the option ? you call the help.
This input request is repeated until all steps have been inserted into the drawing.
Drop-down menu String/beam
Buttons for changing the flight see .
String/beam >
Inserts the string of the stairway into the drawing. For this, the dialog box is temporarily closed and the following appears:
Input request 
Specify insertion point:
Specify the insertion point of the string.
With the option ? you call the help.
Specify rotated angle<0>:
Specify the rotation angle of the string or press the Enter key to accept the default angle (0°).