Commands and functions > Analyze > Project manager sub-dialog box > Import job
Import job
Imports one or more jobs from another drawing (*.dwg, *.dwt, *.dxf) into the current drawing.
Once you have selected a drawing file in the standard dialog box for file selection, the following Dialog box Import project is displayed:
Dialog box Import project
On the left side of the dialog box a tree structure shows you the defined jobs (first level of the tree structure) and the job parts (subordinate levels in the tree structure) of the selected drawing.
Job parts (subordinate job levels) can also be superimposed or masked out by clicking the relevant job/job part.
Lists the jobs to be imported.
Shows the properties of the selected job/job part.
Chooses the selected job and transfers it to the import column.
Select all
Transfers all jobs to the import column.
Removes the selected job from the import column.
When you terminate the dialog box with OK, the project data of all jobs shown in the import column are copied into the current drawing.