Commands and functions > Analyze > Bar diagram > Diagram according to object selection
Diagram according to object selection
Defines properties for the bar diagram according to object selection.
The output of workshop drawings is not possible here.
With workshop drawings job information and quantities are written into the captions via attribute assignment, which here would lead to incorrect details.
If you want to generate workshop drawings, a job-related analysis must take place.
Dialog box Bar diagram (selected object)
Dialog box section Analyze
Cutting class
Lists the cutting classes of the selected bars. Here, choose the bars from which you would like to produce diagrams.
All other dialog box elements are identical with those described in Section Bar diagram according to job.
If you quit the dialog box with OK, the bar diagrams are generated. If they generate workshop drawings, they are automatically saved. If you insert the bar diagrams into the WCS or UCS of the drawing, the same input request follows as described in Section Bar diagram according to job.
Note: This function generates production drawings (diagrams) of bars, optionally with additional details. All the data produced are to be checked by the user. CAD-PLAN GmbH can in no way be held liable for the results of this function and any errors and losses arising from it.