Creates a window or door element with job assignment as production drawing.
Once you have specified the dimensions of the element in the drawing, you can define its properties in a dialog box. Frame elements can be saved as library objects.
When you start the command, the following appears:
Input request
Option Area
Specify point in the area or [Corner points/Object selection/?]:
Enter a point within a closed area to specify the element outline.
Specify corner point or [Area/Object selection/?]:
Specify the first corner point of the element.
Select the Option Area to specify a point in a closed area.
Specify corner point or [Area/Object selection/Undo/?]:
Specify the second corner point of the element or select an option.
Choose the option Undo to repeat the last input request.
Specify corner point or [Area/Object selection/Undo/?]:
Specify the third corner point of the element or select an option.
Specify corner point or [Area/Object selection/Undo/Close/?] <Close>:
Enter the fourth corner point or select an option.
Input Enter for Close to close the outline.
Option Object selection
Select object:
Select a closed polyline or lines which form an outline and the end points of which touch in order to define the element outline.
Once you have determined the outline for the element using one of the methods described above, you have to assign it to a project. To do this, the Dialog box Projects is displayed. ATHENA starts the Dialog box Element after the project assignment. You will find a description of the functions of the dialog box in the Chapter Element manager.
End of program
When you terminate the dialog box with OK, the element with the defined properties is created in the specified area.
Window element
• The element is an ATHENA object. You can modify dimensions by stretching.
• You can change the element properties with the command Modify object or with double-click editing.