Commands and functions > Engineering > Thermal resistance
Thermal resistance
Tab ATHENA > Group Extras > Thermal resistance
ATHENA > Engineering > Thermal resistance
ATHENA Engineering > Thermal resistance
Command input:
With this command you determine the thermal resistance of components. The components may be composed of any layers. All components are saved in a catalog which can be extended as required.
Dialog box Thermal resistance
In the dialog box Thermal resistance you can enter a comment or a title for the computation in the input line at the top. This title can be saved in various languages. Select the required language from the list and enter the text in the chosen language.
Dialog box section Building element components
In the table the selected layers of the component are shown with the appropriate parameters and results as well as the sums of the parameters.
The values from left to right: Component thickness d [m]; nominal value of the thermal conductivity λR [W/mK]; thermal resistance of the component layer R [m2K/W]. The sum of all component thicknesses and thermal resistances is shown below the table.
Dialog box section Edit
Here you have the possibility of modifying the component thickness and nominal value of the selected component.
With the Edit button you transfer the details of the component, which is marked in the table Building element components, to the input line. You can change the name of the component, the thickness and the nominal value of the thermal conductivity in the input line.
With the Insert button the details from the input line are transferred into the table Building element components. The details are always inserted above the marked line.
With the Replace button the details of the component marked in the table are overwritten.
If you press the button Remove, the marked component is deleted from the table.
With the Save button the details in the input line are saved in the user section of the catalog. You therefore have the possibility of extending the catalog with your own (new or modified) data.
Dialog box section Catalog
Here, the parameters relating to thermal and moisture protection according to DIN 4108 are listed in a tree structure. They can be selected here and used for the calculation.
The navigation to the desired material group can take place with the mouse or keyboard. Closed branches (material groups) in the tree structure are identified with +. Open branches are identified with -.
With the button Adopt, your transfer the parameter from the catalog into the input line of the Edit section.
When you click the button Edit ..., the sub-dialog box User catalog is opened for editing. You will find information on the user catalog in the Chapter User catalog.
Dialog box section Heat transmission
Here you define the inner and outer heat transmission resistances. These values are dependent on the position of the components and can be read from the appropriate tables. Refer also to the illustration Default values for thermal transmission resistances. Furthermore, the thermal resistances R, R1 and the thermal transmission coefficient U are computed in this dialog box section.
Dialog box section Internal surface temperature
Here you can enter the internal (Air i) and external (Air e) air temperatures. The thermal conductivity q and the internal surface temperature are computed.
Dialog box section Output
When the option Insert text is activated, a results text is inserted into the drawing on clicking OK. An input request in the command line follows. You can define the text height for the table in the field Text height. With the button Default the default text height (current height of dimension figures) is set. With the pick lists Text style header and Table you define the text style for the corresponding table elements.
When you terminate the dialog box Thermal resistance with OK, a results table is inserted into the drawing. Then follows the query:
Input request 
Specify insertion point:
Use the mouse or enter coordinates to specify the insertion point for the table.
Specify rotated angle<0>:
Specify the rotation angle of the table or confirm the default angle.
You can recompute the results table with the command Modify object. When you click the table, the dialog box with the default values from the selected table appears. The table is updated after terminating the dialog box with OK.
You can define the layer used for the results table in Dialog box System layer.
The texts in the results table are saved in multiple languages. You can display the text in another language with the command Set text language.
For this routine the same material catalog is used as for the routine Rw value computation. With the command User catalog you can save user-specific materials in a catalog.
Note: This function for the calculation of building physics values is an aid for the user. CAD-PLAN GmbH can in no way be held liable for the results and any errors and losses arising from it.