Commands and functions > Manager > Semi-finished product manager
Semi-finished product manager
Tab ATHENA Model > Group Data > Semi-finished product manager
Modeling > Manage > Semi-finished product manager
ATH Manager > Semi-finished product manager
Command input:
Creates a free semi-finished product from closed outlines. You can use this similar to a Semi-finished product, e.g. material dependent hatching or inserted into various projections.
Valid free semi-finished products always consist of an external outline and optionally several internal contours. The contours must not overlap.
When you execute the command, the Dialog box Free semi-finished product is started where you have the possibilities of defining contours for the semi-finished product.
Dialog box Free semi-finished product
You will find a detailed explanation of the dialog box in the Chapter Free semi-finished product.
OK saves the current settings and terminates the dialog box.
Cancel discards the current settings and terminates the dialog box.