Commands and functions > Drawing > Hatch
Tab ATHENA > Group Hatch > Hatch name
ATHENA > Drawing > Hatch > Hatch name
ATH Hatch > Hatch name
Command input:
With this command you can fill a bordered area or objects to be selected with an associative hatching pattern. You can select a hatch pattern via icon or on your tablet overlay. The hatching scale is defined by specifying the scale. You will find further information about hatching in your AutoCAD documentation.
Input request 
Enter scale of hatching <1:1>:
Enter the hatching scale (e.g. 10 for 1:10 to enlarge the hatching distance tenfold) in the command line.
Press the Enter key to accept the default scale. The scale last used is saved for the duration of the drawing session.
Select a point in the area or [Object selection/?]: <Object selection>:
Enter a point within the area to be hatched.
Use the Option Object selection to select objects.
With the option ? you call the help.
Select a point in the area or [?]:
Enter another point within the area to be hatched. This input request is repeated. Press the Enter key to terminate the command.
Option Object selection
Select objects:
Using the mouse, select the objects which are to be hatched. This input request is repeated. Press the Enter key to terminate the command.
Hatchings are defined in the adaptation file (athena.cuix). You can adapt them to your requirements. You will find further information about hatching and menu adaptation in your AutoCAD documentation.
Below you can see an example of how the hatchings are defined in the adaptation file:
^C^C^Path_hatch_layset |3|0 ath_hatch_set ANSI31|0|25|0 ATH_SCHR
Defines the layer. Here, enter the logical layer name. The first figure defines the color, the second figure defines the line type. You will find further information about layer configuration in the Chapter Layer.
Defines the hatch pattern. Hatching can be defined according to the pattern. To do this, enter the pattern name. Or enter _U for user hatching (line hatching).
Defines the hatching angle.
Defines the hatching factor. Important: With user hatching (line hatching) this value signifies the line spacing. With pattern hatching this is the scale factor.
Cross hatching. Here, you define whether the hatching is crossed (0) or not (1). This only has an effect with user hatching.