Commands and functions > Engineering > Load-case structural analysis
Load-case structural analysis
Tab ATHENA > Group Extras > Load-case structural analysis
ATHENA > Engineering > Load-case structural analysis
ATHENA Engineering > Load-case structural analysis
ATHENA Functions > Load-case structural analysis
Command input:
Calculates the deflection of a beam or the buckling of a column due to the load.
With a beam or a column, this calculates the deflection or buckling produced by the load, as well as other relevant values, such as the required moments and the existing stresses.
The parameters required for the calculation must be defined in Dialog box Load case structural analysis. You can insert the results of the calculation into the drawing in tabular and graphical form.
Dialog box Load case structural analysis
At the top left there are two buttons for favorites. You will find further information on this in the section Saving and using favorites.
You will find various, predefined loading cases in the favorites.
The load-case calculation is located on the right next to the favorite buttons in the upper section of the dialog box.
Modify description
Press the button [...] to change the description of the load case in different languages. To do this the Dialog box Label is started. You will find further information on this in the section Label.
The graphical preview is used primarily as a visual check. It shows the beam or column with supports and the point or distributed loads acting on it. Active elements are highlighted in color in the preview.
A graph corresponding to the preview can be inserted into the drawing when outputting the results.
The tabs Results and Output are located below the preview.
Tab Results
The results are calculated and displayed in real time.
In each case the existing values are compared with permissible or required values and the percentage loading is given. Furthermore, a symbol indicates whether the permissible or required criteria are fulfilled or not.
Tab Output
This lists the results which you can insert into the drawing once the structural analysis calculation has finished. The output is suppressed by deactivating the relevant tick box. You can change the order of the results output using drag and drop.
Column break on/off
Causes the results output to occur in a new column from the marked row.
Remove default
Clears the saved default setting for the results output and resets ATHENA to the basic setup.
This tick box is not present in the as-shipped state. It is only shown once you have saved default settings.
Save as default
Saves the output settings made.
Resets the settings made to the last saved default settings. If no default settings have been saved, the settings are reset to the as-shipped state.
Here, the definition of the geometry, material and loads occurs. Using drop-down menus, you can enter the parameters separately from one another or extract them from the drawing:
Drop-down menu Beam
Drop-down menu Support
Drop-down menu Point loads
Drop-down menu Distributed loads (symmetrical)
Drop-down menu Distributed loads (asymmetrical)
Drop-down menu Deflection and Calculation Values
Drop-down menu Beam
Calculates the deflection of a beam.
Buckling (accord. to Euler)
Calculates the buckling of a bar according to Euler.
The entries possible in the dialog box change depending on the method used for the calculation.
For example, no distributed loads can be specified when calculating the buckling according to Euler. The appropriate dialog box elements are therefore masked out.
[Total length <]
Defines the length of the beam or the column.
You can choose a bar from the drawing. To do this, click on the button [Total length <] and specify two points. The distance between the points is accepted as the length. The dialog box is temporarily closed to extract the length.
[Material ...]
Opens the Dialog box Material selection, where you can select a material. The modulus of elasticity and the strength are taken for the chosen material and entered into the input fields.
You will find further information on materials in Chapters Material and Material selection.
Modulus of elasticity
Defines the modulus of elasticity of the beam or the column. The modulus of elasticity is also taken from the material, provided it has been acquired.
Strength (perm. sigma)
Defines the permissible strength of the beam or the column. This is also taken from the material, provided it has been acquired.
Accepts the moment of plane area and the section modulus from a results table which has been produced with the command Center of gravity and moments.
During the calculation of the deflection, the values lx and Wx are taken from the table.
When you calculate the buckling according to Euler, the values lmin and the area are used instead for the calculation.
You can configure what is shown in the results table before insertion into the table. The required values are however also accepted, even when they are not shown in the results table.
Defines the existing moment of plane area lx of the beam or the column.
Wx (only for calculating the deflection)
Defines the existing section modulus Wx of the beam.
Area (only with calculation of buckling according to Euler)
Defines the existing area of the column.
Drop-down menu Support
Here you define the supports for the beam or column.
You can mark a row here to edit or delete it. Click on a field in the marked row to enable it to be edited.
Defines the name for the support. As standard, the supports are incremented in the order of their generation (Support1, Support2, etc.).
Defines the distance of the support. For beams, the distance is specified from the left and from below for columns.
Defines the type of support. You can choose between fixed and pinned.
Appends a support.
Removes the marked support from the list.
Drop-down menu Point loads
Point loads (example)
Here, you define the point loads acting on the beam or column.
You can mark a row here to edit or delete it. Click on a field in the marked row to enable it to be edited. Grayed-out fields cannot be edited.
Defines the name of the point load. As standard, all new loads are incremented in the order of their generation (1, 2, 3, etc.).
Defines the position at which the load acts. For beams, the position is specified from the left. For columns, the point load is always set at the end of the column and cannot be changed.
Defines the amount of force.
Load type
Specifies whether a live or dead load is present. Different safety factors can be specified for the two types of load.
Appends a point load.
Removes the marked point load from the list.
Drop-down menu Distributed loads (symmetrical)
Various symmetrical distributed loads (example)
Here, you define symmetrical distributed loads acting on the beam.
Mark a row to edit or delete it. Click on a field in the marked row to enable it to be edited.
Defines the name of the distributed load. As standard, all new loads are incremented in the order of their generation (1, 2, 3, etc.).
Defines the start position for the acting load. For beams, the position is specified from the left.
Defines the length of the acting load.
Defines the amount of force.
Trapezoidal length
Defines the trapezoidal length You can define a rectangular distributed load by entering 0 (zero) here.
Load type
Specifies whether a live or dead load is present. Different safety factors can be specified for the two types of load.
Appends a distributed load.
Removes the marked distributed load from the list.
Drop-down menu Distributed loads (asymmetrical)
Various asymmetrical distributed loads (example)
Here, you define asymmetrical distributed loads acting on the beam.
Mark a row to edit or delete it. Click on a field in the marked row to enable it to be edited.
Defines the name of the distributed load. As standard, all new loads are incremented in the order of their generation (1, 2, 3, etc.).
Defines the start position for the acting load. For beams, the position is specified from the left.
Defines the length of the acting load.
Force 1
Defines the amount of force at the start of the distributed load.
Force 2
Defines the amount of force at the end of the distributed load.
Load type
Specifies whether a live or dead load is present. Different safety factors can be specified for the two types of load.
Appends a distributed load.
Removes the marked distributed load from the list.
Drop-down menu Deflection and Calculation Values
Dialog box section Permissible deflection
Defines the permissible deflection for the beam.
Defines the permissible deflection for cantilevers.
Dialog box section Safety factors
Defines the safety factors for the material.
Dead load
Defines the safety factor for dead loads.
Live load
Defines the safety factors for live loads.
Serviceability limit state
Sets the safety factors for the calculation of the serviceability limit state.
Ultimate limit state
All the safety factors are set to 0 (zero) when calculating the ultimate limit state.
Buckling safety
Defines the safety for buckling according to Euler.
The permissible deflection and the safety factors for material, dead load and live load are only available if you are calculating the deflection.
If you are calculating the buckling according to Euler, only the buckling safety can be specified.
You terminate the command with OK. You can insert the result of the structural analysis calculation into the drawing with the selected output settings. The following procedure is used:
Input request 
Specify insertion point or [?]:
Use the mouse or enter coordinates to specify the insertion point.
With the option ? you call the help.
Using Cancel, the command is terminated without results being inserted into the drawing.
A retrospective change to the results table is possible with a double click (or Modify object). The Dialog box Load case structural analysis is opened for changing the properties.
Note: This function for the calculation of structural analytical values is an aid for the user. CAD-PLAN GmbH can in no way be held liable for the results and any errors and losses arising from it.