Commands and functions > Standard parts and semi-finished products > Drilled hole
Drilled hole
Tab ATHENA > Group Standard parts > Drilled hole
ATHENA > Drawing > Drilled hole
ATH Drawing > Drilled hole
ATHENA Drawing > Drilled hole
Command input:
You can create various types of hole with this command. Holes can be inserted and used in various 2D views or as a 3D object.
Dialog box Drilled hole
In the dialog box you will find on the left side the Display section with the dynamic preview. On the right side you can see the Operating section with the tabs Drilled hole, Countersink and Manager.
At the top left there are two buttons for favorites. You will find further information on this in the section Saving and using favorites.
The preview displays the current drilled hole. The preview is primarily used for a visual check, but offers other functions too:
Additional functions are activated by clicking in the preview with the mouse wheel. You will find further information on this in the section Object preview.
To the left of the preview there are buttons with which you can adjust both the preview and also the insertion into the drawing. You will find further information on this in the section Object views.
Switches hole center lines on or off.
Layer button
Opens the Dialog box Assign Layer. You will find further information on this in the Chapter Layer assignment.
Label button
Opens the Dialog box Label. You will find further information on this in the Chapter Labeling.
Tab Drilled hole
Dialog box section Type
Blind hole
Creates a blind hole.
Through hole
Creates a through hole.
Slotted hole
Creates a slotted hole.
Dialog box section Thread
No reference
Creates a drilled hole without any reference. The dimensions can be freely defined.
Through hole fine
Creates a through hole in the fine tolerance class.
Through hole medium
Creates a through hole in the medium tolerance class.
Through hole coarse
Creates a through hole in the coarse tolerance class.
Note on tolerance classes: For metric threads the hole diameter is defined to tolerance classes according to DIN EN 20273. With other types of thread the diameter is subject to 10%, 20% or 30% depending on the tolerance class.
Female thread
Creates a threaded hole.
List of threads
Defines the type of thread. The following are available:
Metric standard
Metric special
Sheet metal
Inch Class 2A
Inch sheet metal Type A
Inch sheet metal Type AB
Inch wood
Pick list Diameter
Defines the thread diameter. This depends on the selected thread.
Dialog box section Dimensions
Defines the diameter of the hole. With this tick box the dialog box Drilled hole is temporarily closed and you can define the diameter by choosing two points.
Defines the width of the slotted hole. With this tick box the dialog box Drilled hole is temporarily closed and you can define the width by choosing two points.
Defines the depth of the hole. With this tick box the dialog box Drilled hole is temporarily closed and you can define the depth by choosing two points.
Thread depth
Defines the thread depth of the hole. With this tick box the dialog box Drilled hole is temporarily closed and you can define the thread depth by choosing two points.
Dialog box section Item
Opens the Dialog box Item, where you can specify an item number (or process number) for the hole. You will find a detailed explanation on items in the Chapter Item.
Tab Countersink
Creates a drilled hole without any counterbore.
Creates a drilled hole with standard counterbore. Choose the required standard from the list.
Creates a cylindrical counterbore. The diameter and counterbore depth can be freely defined.
Creates a conical counterbore. The angle and counterbore depth can be freely defined.
Defines the diameter for cylindrical counterbores. With this tick box the dialog box Drilled hole is temporarily closed and you can define the diameter by choosing two points.
Defines the angle for conical counterbores.
Defines the depth of the counterbore. With standard counterbores the default depth is suggested. With this tick box the dialog box Drilled hole is temporarily closed and you can define the depth by choosing two points.
Opens the Dialog box Item, where you can specify an item number (or process number) for the counterbore. You will find a detailed explanation on items in the Chapter Item.
Tab Manager
You will find a detailed description of the functions of the manager in the Chapter Management of objects.
OK saves the settings made. The dialog box is terminated and then follows:
Input request 
Specify insertion point:
Use the mouse or enter co-ordinates to specify the insertion point of the hole.
Specify rotated angle<0>:
Use the mouse or enter an angle to specify the rotation angle.
Press the Enter key to accept the default angle.
Cancel terminates the dialog box without saving the settings.
Blind hole with counterbore
Drilled holes can be retrospectively labeled with the command Parts labeling.
You can change the hole properties with the command Modify object or by a double click.
With the command Object to solid body you can convert the drilled holes to solids.
With the command Projection objects you can generate 2D projections of drilled holes.