Commands and functions > Text > Text multilingual
Text multilingual
Tab ATHENA > Group Label > Text multilingual
ATHENA > Text > Text multilingual
ATH Text > Text multilingual
ATHENA Text > Text multilingual
Command input:
With this command you can save the text content of an existing text in a number of languages to display another language if required.
This functionality is possible with:
Single text (DText)
Attribute definition
For attribute definitions, you can save the prompt in multiple languages, but not the attribute text.
Input request 
Select object:
Click the text to be changed with the mouse. The following dialog box opens:
Dialog box Text in national language
Specifies the language for the text. Once you have selected a language, you can write the text in the input line or modify an existing text.
Opens the Dialog box Label, where you can more conveniently manage the text. You will find a detailed functional description of the this dialog box in the chapter Label.
Input line
Defines the text in the chosen language.
[<] and pick list
The pick list displays multilingual standard texts from the text database ath_user.rsx. Select a text and click the button [<] to insert the text into the active row.
You will find further information about labeling objects in the Chapter Multilingual standard texts.
The texts can also be present in blocks or attributes. For example, texts in drawing frames and text boxes can be displayed in another language. You will find further information in Chapters Insert drawing frame and Complete caption.
Text content in other languages is saved invisibly with the text.
Use the command Set text language to display the text in another language.