Commands and functions > Analyze > Project Manager
Project Manager
Tab ATHENA Model > Group Project > Project manager
Modeling > Analyze > Project manager
ATH Analyze > Project manager
Command input:
Defines jobs and job parts. These can be nested as required and are therefore individually adaptable to your project structure.
Projects and project data are generally only saved within drawings, but can be imported from other drawings.
Jobs are entities. Bars, infills, element elevations and facade elevations are assigned to a job.
Dialog box Project Manager
On the left side of the dialog box you can see the display section with the project structure (jobs and job parts). On the right there is the operating section with the tabs Properties, Tag and Address.
Project structure
On the left side of the dialog box a tree structure shows you the defined jobs (first level of the tree structure) and the job parts (subordinate levels in the tree structure). Here, you can select a job/job part to adapt its properties or to supplement it with further jobs/job parts in the structure.
With a right click in the project structure a context menu is shown where you can add, remove and rename jobs. These functions are identical to the functions of the buttons below the project structure.
The navigation to the desired job or job part can take place with the mouse or keyboard. Closed branches in the tree structure are identified with +. Open branches are identified with -. When you are navigating with the keyboard, you can use the following keys:
Upwards arrow changes to the previous job/job part
Right arrow or + opens the selected branch
Left arrow or - closes the selected branch
Downwards arrow changes to the next job/job part
If you have already assigned the objects to a job, this is displayed below the tree structure.
Object existing
Shows the number of objects assigned to the selected branch.
Shows the number of objects assigned to the selected branch and the sub-branches.
Add ...
Adds a job part to the selected project structure. For this, the Dialog box Add is opened, where you can specify the job data.
A job name must be issued. The name of a job/job part within a project must be unique. For example, if the job name is 001, no job part with the name 001 is admissible.
You will find further information on this in the section Add job.
Deletes the selected job/job part from the list.
Rename ...
Changes the name of the selected job/job part. For this, the Dialog box Rename is opened, where you can change the job data. You will find further information on this in the section Rename job.
Import ...
Imports a complete project with all jobs and job parts from another drawing. You will find further information on this in the section Import job.
Tab Properties
Job/job part
Shows the name of the selected job/job part. The name is independent of the language and cannot be changed at this point.
Defines the job/job part label. You can save the label in various languages. To do this, choose the required language from the list.
Opens the Dialog box Label, where you can conveniently edit the designations for various languages. You will find further information in the Chapter Label.
Under the label you can see the offer designation and the dates on which the job was created and modified.
Further job data
In the following input fields you can define further job data, such as architect, operator, building phase, etc. These data are normally stated in the job and are transferred to the job parts.
If you want to use job data, which is different to the superordinate data, for a job part, you can activate the tick box in front of the relevant input field. The relevant input field is enabled and the corresponding property can be changed. The change is transferred again to the subordinate job part if present.
Opens the Dialog box Label. You will find further information on this in the Chapter Labeling.
Tab Tag
Defines the default values of tags for bars, infills and frame elements. They are incremented when you execute same-part recognition with the command Assign tags.
Since tags are automatically incremented, the default values defined here may only consist of letters and numbers. Special characters (also umlauts) or space characters are not permissible and will be automatically removed.
You will find further information on this in the section Assign tags.
Tab Address
Defines the address data for the project.
These data are normally stated in the job and are transferred to the job parts.
If you want to use other address data for a job part, you can activate the tick box. The entry fields are then enabled and the address data can be changed.
Click the Close button to close the dialog box.