Commands and functions > Drawing > Bar division
Bar division
Tab ATHENA > Group Label > Bar division
ATHENA > Drawing > Bar division
ATH Drawing > Bar division
ATHENA Functions > Bar division
Command input:
Generates a regular division of bars consisting of a Standard Part or Semi-finished product as a 2D projection in an area.
To generate a bar division you must specify an area. All other parameters are defined in a dialog box.
When you execute the command, the following appears:
Input request 
Specify point in the area or [Object/?]: <Object>:
Specify a point within a closed area for the bar division.
Choose the option Object to select an outline.
With the option ? you call the help.
Option Object
Select outline or [?]:
Select a closed polyline to determine the area for the bar division.
Once the area has been determined, the Dialog box Bar division appears where you can define all other parameters.
Dialog box Bar division
In the Bar division dialog box you will see on the left side the Display section with the dynamic preview. On the right side there is the Operating section with the Tab Properties and Manager.
The preview shows the selected area with the bar division. It provides a visual check of the settings made.
Dialog box section Display
Turns center lines of the bars on or off.
Hidden lines
Switches the hidden lines on or off.
Contour edges
Switches the contour edges for profiles on or off. The tick box only has an effect for profiles with rounding. For example, if you insert the plan view of a steel U-section.
Tab Properties
Dialog box section Division
Clearance dimension
Calculates the distances between the bars according to the clearance dimension.
Center distance
Calculates the distances between the bars according to the center distance.
Defines the maximum distance (clearance dimension or center distance, i.e. unit spacing). The actual distance is calculated from this value and the size of the area.
Shows the calculated, actual spacing between the bars. The actual spacing is the largest possible distance between the bars below the defined maximum distance.
Shows the calculated number of bars. It arises from the defined distance and the size of the area.
Dialog box section Alignment
Aligns the bars according to the User Coordinate System (UCS). During editing the Object Coordinate System (OCS) of the outline is shown instead of the UCS. This corresponds to the UCS which was active when the bar division was generated.
Aligns the bars according to a baseline of the outline. You can click the baseline directly in the preview. The selected baseline is shown in red.
Dialog box section Direction
Aligns the bars vertically to the UCS (OCS) or to the baseline.
Aligns the bars horizontally to the UCS (OCS) or to the baseline.
Dialog box section Cutting
Generates bars with an orthogonal cutting.
Generates bars with a cutting on the external outline of the surrounding area.
Dialog box section Profile
Here you can choose the profile for the bar division. Possible profiles are standard parts and semi-finished products.
Depending on the selection, this opens the Dialog box Standard Parts or the Dialog box Semi-finished product where you can select the required profile.
Using the view buttons, you can select whether the bars are inserted as a plan view, bottom view or a view from the right or left. You see the selected view directly in the profile preview.
You will find further information in the section Object views.
Tab Manager
You will find a detailed description of the Administration section in the Chapter Management of objects.
Click OK to terminate the dialog box. The bar division is inserted directly into the selected area.
Cancel closes the dialog box and all settings are discarded.
Editing the bar division
To make changes to the division you can double click an existing bar division or select it with the command Modify object. Changes can then be made in the Dialog box Bar division.
Output of the bars
To obtain an output of the bars (bar diagrams or lists), you have to carry out the following two tasks:
1. Object to solid body
With this command the bar division is converted from 2D to 3D.
This conversion should only occur when no further changes are made, because it is undone again when a modification is made (e.g. by double click).
2. Explode ATHENA
With this command the bar division is resolved into single bars (3D). You can now output these bars just like other bars with the following commands:
Project browser
Assign tags(optional)
Bar list
Bar diagram